An Ideal World….writing from Other Ways Of Telling

We all walk around in tiger-striped skin
Then we’re all happy in the skin we are in
None disadvantaged and we all get stuck in
No mental illness, no bullying
All people everywhere, joined
In an unbroken ring
Helping each other, one family
All have what they need and no-one has more
None of the children ever get bored
No politicians, no random greed
When all are equal, we all take heed

I think there should be more peace in the world,
Make love not war
More diversing, more equality to eradicate bullying
Stamp out stigma against mental health
We all bleed red, no racism
There is only one race, the human race
Less politicians, more understanding people
Encourage more people to have more respect for animals, birds…etc…
Less violence on the streets, more bobbies on the beat
The politicians need to shape up or ship out
Love hate, don’t hate love – love one another as brothers and sisters

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